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The Founder of Sahaja Yoga - H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Shri Mataji teaching Sahaja Yoga

“My Life now is dedicated for the well-being and benevolence of humanity

completely, entirely.”

- H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi-

Shri Mataji has been recognized worldwide by several prestigious institutions for her selfless work and for the remarkable results of her spiritual teachings through Sahaja Yoga,

She is regarded by hundreds of thousands of people in more than 130 countries as the "World's Greatest Living Spiritual Teacher".

Shri Mataji saying Namaste (hands together in a prayer position - a form of greeting.

Shri Mataji’s humanitarian and spiritual work draws admiration not only from countless individuals - worldwide, who have personally benefited from her teachings, but also from governments, dignitaries, education institutions and humanitarian organizations.

Recognizing the scientific and verifiable nature of her teachings, the Petrovskaya Academy of Arts and Sciences in St. Petersburg bestowed Honorary Membership upon Shri Mataji, telling her, “You are even higher than science.”

In 1995 she spoke at the Fourth World Conference on 'Women', in Beijing.

Shri Mataji receiving award from Claes Nobel

Claes Noble spoke of her Nobel Prize nomination in 1997, at the Royal Albert Hall in London. A great admirer of Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga, he proclaimed it “a source of hope for humanity” and “a reference point for determining right from wrong.” He thanked her for giving hope to humanity.

Institutions around the world bestowed honorary awards and doctorates upon her.

To view more, please click: Awards and Recognition's,

Shri Mataji giving Self Realisation to thousands of people at the Albert Hall in London

On May 5, 1970 Shri Mataji opened the Sahastrara (Crown) chakra for mankind, thereby allowing anyone with the desire to have their realisation by awakening their dormant spiritual energy known as Kundalini.

Shri Mataji then began to spread en-mass Self-Realisation using the Sahaja Yoga techniques she developed. Shri Mataji accepts no money for her time, knowledge or for the giving of Self-Realisation. She has worked and travelled tirelessly for over 40 years to bring Sahaja Yoga to the seekers of the world.

Shri Mataji (on the steps in front of the hall being greeted and welcomed by a crowd of people, including reporters etc.

The method of meditation through self-realisation developed by Shri Mataji was called Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji toured throughout Europe, Australia, and North America continuously in the 1980’s, teaching this method free of charge to all who were interested. The 1990’s saw her travels spreading to South America, Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia and Pacific region.

Despite relentless travelling, Shri Mataji never referred to her demanding schedule as tiresome, equating it rather with the work of a loving mother looking after her children’s well being.

Shri Mataji was born in India to a Christian family on March 21, 1923 - a descendant of an Indian royal family. Her father, a lawyer, was a member of India's first parliament. He was scholar fluent in 14 languages. He also translated the Qur’an into Hindi. Her mother was the first woman in India to receive an honours degree in mathematics. Shri Mataji also had a good and close relationship with Mahatma Gandhi.

Shri Mataji was a mother and grandmother, as well as the spiritual mother to Sahaja Yogis from all over the world. She was the wife of Sir C.P Srivastava, a very distinguished diplomat who served as Secretary General of the United Nations International Maritime Organisation.

"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power

that has created you"

"There can be no peace in this world until there is peace within"

"The quality of human beings is only one and that is how much they

love and forgive"

"Love is the main thing. When there is love there is energy, there is patience and there is wisdom. love has to be there first"

-H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi-

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