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Chakra Seven - Sahastrara Chakra



In the Sahastrara Chakra the whole instrument is integrated.  The Brahmarandra is the point in the Sahasrara where the Kundalini emerges. It was opened by Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi on the 5th May 1970.  Each Chakra has its place here. 

Before the opening of the Sahasrara a man's mind goes in one direction, his heart in another and his body in still another, and the man does not know what to do.

This thousand petaled center known as Sahastrara is the most important center situation in the brain or limbic area.  Actually, there are thousand nerves, and if you take transverse section of the brain, you can see all these nerves beautifully arranged in a petal like structure to form lotus of thousand petals. This center covers the limbic area of the brain, before realisation, like a closed bud of lotus.  Above this is covering of two balloon like structures of Ego and Super Ego.

When Kundalini rises and pierces this center, it awakens all the nerves thus enlighten every nerve center and we say that the person is enlightened soul.  Kundalini further pierces the fontanel area and opens a gateway into the cosmos and we experiences this a cool breeze on the head.  This is actualization of the union (Self-Realisation) with the all pervading Power of Divine.


All the true Masters have shown Man the path of spiritual ascent.  But the religions that originated from their teachings fought amongst themselves and their knowledge was used by Man to obtain power.

But at the level of the Sahasrara every man can directly know the truth.  It was the Mother, though who had to open it.

So now man can understand that it is wrong to divide up what is really one whole and that we are all ONE.

In the Sahasrara all the artificial barriers of race, of political belief, of caste, etc. fall away, the realised soul finally understands itself and others. 


But only through constant meditation can we realise the potential of the Sahasrara.

Shree Krishna said:  "Surrender all dharmas to me, and I will take care of everything."

Surrendering to the Divine means transferring your own power to the all pervading Power and letting that act.



At the point of the Sahastrara we go beyond the relative, to the Absolute.  Above the three Gunas (Satva, Rajas & Tamas, that is present, future and past) and into the Absolute realisation of Heaven on Earth.  This is a country far beyond our wildest imaginings, so much more than our word scan even seek to imply.  This is our ultimate destination, stretching out forever. 

Our progress towards this goal is a living process,  When the seed matures it naturally sprouts.


When the Kundalini reaches the Sahastrara, the lotus petals open and enlightenment takes place (samadhi).  You may feel a powerful pulsation in the crown of the head, followed by a melting sensation and a flow of cool vibrations from the fontanel areas.   This is the baptism by which you know that you are truly born again.


Vibratory awareness begins at this point.  As the Kundalini unites our individual consciousness to the universal consciousness (the Atma to the Paramatma), we are suddenly tuned in to the universal wavelength of vibrations.  These vibrations pervade the cosmos, but before Realisation, while we are still in the egg form, we know nothing of them.  When Kundalini breaks the shell of the egg, we emerge into God's Kingdom, the collective unconscious.  At this point we are singing the song of the unconscious, the vibrations are playing though the instrument that we have become.  But a doubting mind cannot ascend.



"But  the man who is ignorant, who has no faith, who is of a doubting nature, perishes.  For the doubting soul, there is neither this world not the world beyond nor any happiness.  We must have a positive basis for life, an unwavering faith to discover the truth which stands the test of life"  The Bhagavad Gita IV:40.

As human awareness is united to the Divine, we move into the subtlest level of communication, into collective consciousness.  In becoming vessels for that universal power we become one with all the other vessels.  We learn to appreciate the real depth and beauty of another person in vibrations.  The beauty of art and nature now manifest itself as vibrations.  Just ask the question and a positive answer comes as a flow of cool vibrations.  It is conversation at its most sublime.



No. of  Petals: One Thousand (1000)

Element: All/ Vibrations "Chaitanya" 

Symbol: The Bandhan

Colour: White/ All/Multicolour

Day: Monday

Physical Plexus:  Limbic area of the brain

Place on Hand: Center of Palm

Country:  Nepal

Planet: Pluto

Gem:  Mother of Pearl

Musical Instrument:  Sitar


  • Self-Realisation

  • Collective Consciousness

  • Integration with the whole

  • Silence

  • Thousand Awareness

  • Joy & Bliss

  • Absolute freedom

Physical & Physiological Function

  • The Brain

  • The Nervous System

Causes of Catches/ Obstruction

  • Atheism,

  • Doubt in God,

  • Anti-God activates,

  • Denial of the Divine,

  • Doubting one's own ascent and the power really to become the spirit.

Clearing the Sahasrara Chakra


"Mother, please give me my Self-Realisation"

"Mother, Please establish my Self Realisation"

General Advice:

  • Meditate regularly, give vibrations to the chakra.

  • Look at the photo of Shree Mataji and ask: 

     "Mother please establish my Self-Realisation" 

     "Mother please come into my head"

  • Protect the Sahasrara from excessive heat or cold.

  • Avoid others touching it

  • Keep attention above the head.

  • Press the Brahmarandra (fontanel area) with the left hand and place the right hand towards the picture of Shree Mataji, then try reversing the hand positions.

  • Massage the scalp regularly with oil (almond or coconut).

  • Massage the head with even hand pressure, move the scalp to and fro many times until the pressure on the head reduces.

  • Using cupped hands massage the sides of the head. The Ego can show up in the hands as the left Sahasrara catching, and the superego as the right Sahasrara.

Remember - Before we start every session:

  • We should remove our shoes and bow to Mother Earth in obeisance and gratitude to Her.

  • We do so by placing our forehead and hands on the ground – palms facing upwards toward the sky. Our hands should be on either side of our head.


You have now completed the
10 Week Online Course

We thank you for completing the course. 

We sincerely hope that it has changed your outlook on life for the better.  

We wish you every success in life but most importantly we pray that you continue to grow deeper in your ascent/ spiritual growth.


Should you wish to go further:

We do have an INTERMEDIATE SESSION which consists of Two Lessons.

In these Two Lessons you will learn about the Divine personalities that reside at every chakra, the relevant mantra for every chakra and more.



1.  Did you enjoy the lesson & manage to do the Foot soak everyday?

2.  How do you feel after the Foot soak and Meditation?

3.  Is the vibration improving / getting stronger?

4.  Can you feel the Kundalini energy moving within your body?

5.  Can you feel the Kundalini energy on your Sahastrara improving?

6.  How does your out look on life feels now after completing the beginner course?

7.  How has the course helped you thus far?

8.  Would you recommend the course to anyone else?

Any other feedback:


Kindly answer these questions via email:

Thank you!

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