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The Subtle System is also called the 'tree of life' in many spiritual traditions.  It is closely linked to our nervous system, which it keeps in balance, and after Realisation, it actually enables us to feel the state of our energy  channels and our chakras. 

We can detect the subtle system functioning within us due to the presence of a cool breeze, a prickling sensation or sometimes heat on particular parts of our hands or on top of our heads.


A cool breeze felt equally on the fingers and the palms of both hands indicates that our inner being is balanced and in good condition.  As the subtle system is the cause and the support of our nervous system, it acts at every level of our being, spiritually to begin with, then physically, mentally and emotionally.

Subtle System showing the 7 main chakras in English also showing the Kundalini and spirit

Only the Kundalini, by the grace of Shri Mataji, has the power to awaken the subtle system, which can actually be felt on your hands, once it is awakened.  Every energy center (represented here by a colour on each finger) can be felt and decoded.

Once this mechanism is awakened by the grace of Shri Mataji and gradually mastered by practicing Sahaja Yoga, it becomes a marvelous instruments in developing the personality, allowing us to integrate consciously and of our own free will, the Creation from which we came.

The Subtle System/Kundalini Instrument consists of: 


The Kundalini / Holy Spirit

The 3 Nadis / Autonomous Nervous System

The 7 Chakras / Energy centres


This has two aspects: 1) Physical  2) Subtle 

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Subtle system showing Kundalini, Nadi, Atma, Sahasrara
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